
Friday, June 15, 2012

importance of cost accounting

 The importance of cost accounting is as follows:

  • Importance to ManagementCost accounting provides invaluable help to management. It is difficult to indicate where the work of cost accountant ends and managerial control begins. The advantages are as follows:
    • Helps in ascertainment of costCost accounting helps the management in the ascertainment of cost of process, product, Job, contract, activity, etc., by using different techniques such as Job costing and Process costing.
    • Aids in Price fixationBy using demand and supply, activities of competitors, market condition to a great extent, also determine the price of product and cost to the producer does play an important role. The producer can take necessary help from his costing records.
    • Helps in Cost reductionCost can be reduced in the long-run when cost reduction programme and improved methods are tried to reduce costs.
    • Elimination of wastageAs it is possible to know the cost of product at every stage, it becomes possible to check the forms of waste, such as time and expenses etc., are in the use of machine equipment and material.
    • Helps in identifying unprofitable activitiesWith the help of cost accounting the unprofitable activities are identified, so that the necessary correct action may be taken.
    • Helps in checking the accuracy of financial accountCost accounting helps in checking the accuracy of financial account with the help of reconciliation of the profit as per financial accounts with the profit as per cost account.
    • Helps in fixing selling PricesIt helps the management in fixing selling prices of product by providing detailed cost information.
  • Importance to EmployeesWorker and employees have an interest in which they are employed. An efficient costing system benefits employees through incentives plan in their enterprise, etc. As a result both the productivity and earning capacity increases.
  • Cost accounting and creditorsSuppliers, investor’s financial institution and other moneylenders have a stake in the success of the business concern and therefore are benefited by installation of an efficient costing system. They can base their judgement about the profitability and prospects of the enterprise upon the studies and reports submitted by the cost accountant.
  • Importance to National EconomyAn efficient costing system benefits national economy by stepping up the government revenue by achieving higher production. The overall economic developments of a country take place due to efficiency of production.
  • Data Base for operating policyCost Accounting offers a thoroughly analysed cost data which forms the basis of formulating policy regarding day to day business.

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